At Gavagai we welcome student interns completing their graduation projects. Here is a list of students who have been at Gavagai!

  • Joan Ficapal Vila. 2018. Anemone: a Visual Semantic Graph. KTH. Master’s thesis in Data Science.
  • Peter Sumbler. 2017. Evaluation of Paradigmatic Similarity in Distributional Models: A Situated and User-Focused Approach. Göteborgs Universitet. Master’s thesis in Language Technology.
  • Tobias Norlund. 2016. The Use of Distributional Semantics in Text Classification Models: Comparative performance analysis of popular word embeddings Linköpings universitet.
  • Hugo Sandelius. 2016. Creating Knowledge Graphs using Distributional Semantic Models. KTH.
  • Vide Karlsson. 2016. Nyckelordsbaserade textkategoriseringsalgoritmer – en lösning på problemet att automatiskt ämneskategorisera text utan tillgång till hand­etiketterad träningsdata? Examensarbete i datalogi. KTH.
  • Kajsa Norin. 2016. Higher Order Hidden Markov Models for Dialogue Act Tagging and Detection of Disputes in Online Forums. Master’s thesis in Computer Science. Uppsala.
  • Anton Osika. 2015. Statistical analysis of online linguistic sentiment measures with financial applications Master’s Thesis in Applied and Computational Mathematics. KTH.
  • Amaru Cuba Gyllensten. 2014. Automatic Lexicon Extraction on Random Index Word Spaces using Small Seed Lexica. Magisteruppsats i datalogi. KTH.
  • Hillevi Hägglöf. 2014. Developing a dynamic atlas of Swedish political discourse. Magisteruppsats i språkteknologi. Uppsala universitet.
  • Jimmy Callin. 2014. The Distribution of Mood: An Exploration of Distributional Compositions in Sentiment Classification. Kandidatuppsats i språkteknologi. Uppsala universitet.
  • Gabriel Isheden. 2013. Diagnostics of Semantic Word Spaces. Kandidatuppsats i datalogi. KTH.
  • Ariel Ekgren and David Nilsson. 2013. Topology and Word Spaces. Kandidatuppsats i datalogi. KTH.
  • Pelle Almquist. 2011. Experiments to Investigate the Utility of Linguistically Informed Features for Detecting Textual Plagiarism. Magisteruppsats i datalogi. KTH.

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