The STAVICTA Group Report for RepLab 2014 Reputation Dimensions Task

Afshin Rahimi, Magnus Sahlgren, Andreas Kerren, and Carita Paradis

In this paper we present our experiments on the RepLab 2014 Reputation Dimension task. RepLab is a competitive challenge for Reputation Management Systems. RepLab 2014’s reputation dimensions task focuses on categorization
of Twitter messages with regard to standard reputation dimensions (such as performance, leadership, or innovation). Our approach only relies on the textual content of tweets and ignores both metadata and the content of URLs within tweets. We carried out several experiments focusing on different feature sets including bag of n-grams, distributional semantics features, and deep neural
network representations. The results show that bag of bigram features with minimum frequency thresholding work quite well in reputation dimension task especially with regards to average F1 measure over all dimensions where two of our four submitted runs achieve highest and second highest scores. Our experiments also show that semi-supervised recursive autoencoders outperform other feature sets used in our experiments with regards to accuracy measure and is a promising subject of future research for improvements.


Proceedings of CLEF 2014

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