Search Solutions 2014

Jussi Karlgren gave a talk today, on November 27, at the 2014 edition of Search Solutions, organised by the Information Retrieval Specialist Group of the BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) and ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization).

The main points were three:

  1. Media monitoring in today’s volumes of flowing data is not like search for a misplaced item! You need to read everything and aggregate it into something which gives you information awareness – which does not necessarily mean you want to be able to see every item or every mention.
  2. Modern text is in many many languages, often interleaved in the same text or even in the same tweet. Multilinguality is a must!
  3. Measuring sentiment can be useful, but cannot be limited to POSITIVE-NEGATIVE – there’s much more to it!

Slides are here.


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